Varsity conducts the first internal audit 2017
Starting 28th February, 2017 until 3rd March 2017, Mount Kenya university conducted the first Internal Audit for 2017. The audit sought to determine the strength of various processes of the university e.g. Curriculum Development, Credit Transfers and Control of outsourced services among others. The audit criteria was expanded to include previously unused documents such as the Commission of University guidelines, the policies of the university and the ISO 9001:2008 standard. Breaking from tradition, the audit was based on a sample of departments rather than the entire university. The sample was informed by the audit criteria.
Having been recertified in February of 2016, the university expects the first full surveillance audit to be carried out towards the end of the month of March.
The audits both internal and external are meant to keep the university conforming to international standards stipulated in the ISO 9001:2008, to identify areas of improvement, and to ensure that the University keep on offering the best services to our clients. Preparations for transition to the new ISO 9001:2015 are at an advanced stage with the potential consultants already identified.
The Compliance to Service Charter Evaluation is also set to be conducted in the month of March. The survey is critical in determining the opinion of students on the various aspects of the university such as the library, hostels and classrooms. The results of this survey will be used for internal service delivery for improvement and image enhancement.