MKU Dons attend CAREED 4th Conference
Mount Kenya University faculty attended Centre for African Research on Enterprise and Economic Development (CAREED) 4th Annual Conference in Scotland, United Kingdom .The conference whose main theme was “Enterprise and Economic Development in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities” focused mainly on Africa’s opportunities.
MKU Dons take a picture with other conference delegates at University of West of Scotland
The conference took place between 29th – 30th August 2019 and was attended by representatives from Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Egypt, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania.
Dr. Phelista Njeru and Ms. Dorris Mavuta presented papers on youth and unemployment, a global concern and the market linkages influence on small scale farmers respectively.
Mount Kenya University was recognized her representation more stamped by the MKU Chancellor Prof John J. Struthers , who is a faculty member at the University of West of Scotland.