Varsity donates books to schools
Mount Kenya University has embarked to its’ course to support needy schools ( primary, secondary schools and community libraries ) by donating text books. This exercise has so far seen many schools benefiting with materials that the students can use to enhance knowledge.
Mount Kenya University Foundation Director, Dr. Kirira presents books to teacher and pupil’s from General Kago Primary school
The book donation kicked off at Thika main campus where Ag. Vice-Chancellor Prof. Peter Wanderi, Dr. Peter Kirira and Justus Arita, librarian presented books to heads of schools from St Pauls Gatuanyaga Secondary School, Kamuchu Secondary School , High Level Secondary School, and General Kago, Matathia , World Light and Kisiwa Primary Schools.
Mount Kenya University Ag. Vice-Chancellor Prof. Peter Wanderi interacting with students from High level secondary school during the books donations presentations
The books donation has been sponsored by Mount Kenya University Foundation as a community outreach project.