MKU Researcher equip Machakos County cancer population registry
MKU team led by Dr. Peter G. Kirira, Principal, College of Graduate Studies and Research handed over the functional Machakos Cancer Registry to the CEC, Department of Health & Emergency Services, Machakos County, at the Machakos Cancer Care & Research Centre. Through a project “Precision medicine for earlier diagnosis of breast cancer in Kenya” funded by Medical Research Council, UK, the MKU team led by Dr Francis Makokha partnered with the Health Department of Machakos County to develop the population based cancer registry. Through the project, the University donated a desktop computer to host the cancer registry in the CanReg software from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a World Health Organization’s agency.
Captured in the photo above from left to right are: Dr. Moses Kamita (Project Coordinator), Dr. Francis Makokha (Project PI & Head: Human Health Research Programme in the Directorate of Research & Innovation), Dr. Peter G. Kirira (Principal, College of Graduate Studies & Research), Dr. Ancent Kituku (CEC, Department of Health & Emergency Services Machakos County), Dr. Sharon Z. Mweni (Director, Medical Services, Machakos County) and Ms. Grace Makuta (Health Records Officer in charge of Cancer Registry, Machakos Cancer Care & Research Centre).
The team also handed over a Covid-19 research report. The project assessment the impact of measures taken by the government to curb spread of Covid-19 and leverage mobile phone technology to mitigate worse patient outcomes before lifting of some measures that restricted access to health services at the country referral hospital, Machakos Level 5 Hospital.